Cookie Policy for

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone and generally save user settings for a particular website or enable advanced functionalities on the website. On our website, we use cookies to provide you with an optimal user experience and a secure online environment.

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies are those without which our website could not function properly. These cookies ensure the correct operation of the website, record which cookie settings you have chosen, and prevent certain malicious activities on our site, thereby ensuring a safe environment for entering data in online forms.

NameDomainDurationPurpose daysEnables proper authentication for user login and secure sessions.

Statistical Cookies

Statistical cookies collect anonymous data about how users interact with the website. Based on the collected data, aggregated, anonymized statistical reports are created, which are used to optimize functionality and user experience. For example, statistical cookies may track the number of visits, the duration of visits, and which pages users visit most often. This information can help identify which parts of the website need improvement or which content is most popular with users. These cookies typically do not collect personal data and are used exclusively for anonymous analysis and reporting.

We currently do not use statistical cookies on our website.

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies enable websites to remember user preferences and provide advanced functionalities, such as personalized content and easier access. They improve the user experience but are not necessary for the basic functioning of the website. For instance, functional cookies can remember your chosen language setting or enable the use of online chat support on the website.

We currently do not use functional cookies on our website.

Marketing Cookies

In the future, we may introduce marketing cookies to offer more personalized advertisements and marketing services based on your preferences. These cookies would track your browsing behavior and help deliver targeted marketing content.

We currently do not use marketing cookies on our website.

This cookie policy will be updated as needed to reflect changes in our use of cookies.